Welcome to Parent’s AGAINST Lifewise; we are a focused movement of concerned parents, families, community members and tax payers who respect the separation of church and state. We respect each other’s different religions, family values, and parental rights. We love our children. We want them to learn unhindered by religious pressure or coercion. Thank you for learning more about this organization who’s preying on our public schools. 

Please check out our recent interview with Glass City Humanist!

Lifewise Academy is spreading Evangelical Christianity, Purity Culture, Christian Nationalism, homophobic beliefs, transphobia, and hateful rhetoric to the youngest of our children. Under the guise of a “Non-denominational, Character Building education” they offer an RTRI program (What’s that?!) for public schools that is modeled as a ‘plug n’ play’ franchise style religious education, with a mission statement to reach “Every unchurched child in America”. Here you’ll find links to information they refuse to release, parent testimony, and documents provided to their “teachers” and volunteers. We will show you what their curriculum REALLY is and the beliefs it’s based on. We will also explore several different facets of this extremist group and how they are disrupting the education of thousands of kids already.

Our mission is to protect our children and preserve our public education system by connecting parents and communities across the nation to accurate and transparent information. We bring you factual information exposing Lifewise for the deceitful and dangerous thing that it is. We hold the power to say this is UNACCEPTABLE in our country.

Our children aren’t missing “drag queen Story-time hour” Mr. Perkins and this controversy is not manufactured.