Admin Pressure, School Liability & Violations

Admin & Teacher Pressure

The case law around RTRI requires that these programs be brought forward by parents; but what Lifewise does is find religious parents within a community, and help them to bring the program to the schools. They then provide; what can only be described as a Multi-Level Marketing template, to apply nonstop pressure on the school boards. They are pressured to adopt an RTRI policy if none exists, and bring Lifewise Academy into their public school district. Teachers are provided with luncheons and other incentives from Lifewise Academy. 

Legal Liability

It needs to be clearly stated that all liability for separation violations will fall to the school districts themselves. Lifewise is known to constantly encourage and promote actions that are in fact violations while taking no responsibility for doing so.

Known Violations

All of the documents cited here and many more can be found in full at our Documentation page.